The Little Friends Preschool VPK is one of the best. Our accredited teachers use the “Learning Without Tears” curriculum, supplemented by the “Writing Without Tears” curriculum (both of which are so much fun they seem like play!) to cover the academics, and have at their fingertips all the other resources at Little Friends Preschool, which include frequent visits to the S.T.E.A.M. Lab, the daily music and art, physical education, gardening, chapel, and reading, reading, reading to produce well-rounded, confident, happy children fully ready to graduate to Kindergarten.
Facts about the VPK Preschool Program
- Our VPK Program is designed for four-year-olds
- Ratio is 12 students to one teacher, and every teacher has an assistant
VPK Hours
- The VPK class is held from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Monday – Thursday
- Extended Day hours begin at 8:00 am and end at 5:00 pm., Monday - Friday
- Pricing is dependent of option. Please refer to our VPK pricing.
Such big kids!
They are real students now, no doubt about it!
- are getting the basic principles of "Three R's" under their belts
- understand the alphabetic principles and print concepts
- can identify and discriminate between letters
- are writing letters and numbers, following the "Handwriting Without Tears" curriculum, which is a supplement of the major curriculum, "Learning Without Tears"
The VPK year is a hugely important year for four-year-olds. Not only are they writing words and sentences, they are learning structural analysis and vocabulary by matching words to pictures, categorizing words, and differentiating multi-meaning words. This age is gang-busters with the S.T.E.A.M. Lab computers! Early social studies skills are introduced though family, community, history, and geography. They love the interactive globe in the S.T.E.A.M. Lab.
The children are evaluated by the teacher three times during this critical year, using the “Renaissance STAR Early Literacy” assessment. They are measured on their understanding of the alphabetic principal and print concepts and their ability to identify and discriminate between letters. The percentage of Little Friends VPK-ers who demonstrate readiness for kindergarten is an astounding 100%!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between Preschool and VPK?
Preschool is for children who turn three on or before September 1, while VPK is for children who turn four on or before September 1.
Do you take 5-year-olds in VPK?
If the child turns five after September 1st, he or she qualifies for VPK at Little Friends Preschool.
How much does VPK cost?
VPK is free, Monday through Thursday, from 9:00am - 1:00pm. Little Friends also has extended hours and days, so be sure to check out pricing options.
How is a child's readiness for VPK determined? What is my child is deemed not to be ready?
Most four-year-olds at Little Friends Preschool are ready for VPK. If you or your child’s teacher feel your child is not ready, you, the teacher, and the principal will consult together as to the best continuing placement for your child.
If my child needs daycare in addition to VPK, can Little Friends take care of them.
What if I am concerned or upset about something? How do I contact the teacher?
Use the Procare phone app to contact your child’s teacher to make an appointment to see him or her.
May I walk my child to class?
You may walk them into the main building and to the door of the classroom area, where you will meet their teacher for the continuing walk to the classroom.
What if I want to check on my baby during the day?
You can always communicate with the teacher about your baby at any time using the Procare phone app.
What Parents are Saying...
Kaylee Hurwitz
Now Accepting Applications
Little Friends would love to have your son or daughter join us for the upcoming school year. Space is limited, so please apply.